Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I apologize...for being so damn funny.

Hola amigos and amigas!

Today, we did some more sightseeing. I am learning many things about the Argentinians. For example, most of them smoke. I have determined that this is why they stay so skinny. Any country that brings you a bread basket for breakfast, doesn't serve veggies at any of their meals and cheese, coldcuts and steak are staples on their menus has to do something to stay so slim. Don't worry Buenos Aires, I've taken one for "the team" and gained 5 lbs for you. Damn your malbec!

It's funny. I wonder if I appreciate their archetecture so much more because our buildings aren't anywhere as near as cool as theirs. The people I have met that have been to Chicago love our city - and comment on how cool Michigan Ave is. It makes me laugh. For example, our Ralph Lauren doesn't look as cool as their's does!

Tonight, Mark had a great idea to break from his "10 steaks in 10 days mantra" and go for some sushi. Yeah!!! I did not know The BA would have such good sushi, but they did. Of course, the odd things were no edamame (cause they HATE veggies here or somethin) and all the rolls were salmon or tuna. Guess they don't love unagi as much as we do. They had different rolls than I have had before, but they were all so yummy. Clearly, we found things we like, as evidenced by these pictures. The place itself was called "SushiClub" and it was a really cool looking restaurant.

Heather and I got a little loopy at dinner, and could not stop talking about colonics and other weird crap. You know when you totally can't stop laughing and anything you say makes you laugh, that was how we were. Maybe it started when I busted out the Argentinian Flashdance look. I think Mark is totally over us.

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